Course curriculum

  • 1

    Part Files and Manual

    • V32 CAD and Lathe Part Files and Manual

  • 2

    V32 User Interface and Initial Setup

    • Video 1 - UI Overview

    • Video 2 - Modifying Default Layout

    • Video 3 - File Tab - New, Open, and Merge

    • Video 4 - File Tab - Save and Save As

    • Video 5 - File Tab - User Profile and Themes

    • Video 6 - File Tab - Help

    • Video 7 - File Tab -Settings Part and Default

    • Video 8 - File Tab - Customize Ribbon

    • Video 9 - File Tab - Shortcuts

    • Video 10 - Home Tab - Edit, Selection, Quick Selection, and Modify Groups

    • Video 11 - Home Tab - Selection Mask

    • Video 12 - Home Tab - Layers

    • Video 13 - Home Tab - Colors

  • 3

    V32 CAD - Create 2D

    • Video 14 - Point - Sketch Enter

    • Video 15 - Point - From Entities

    • Video 16 - Point - Incremental

    • Video 17 - Point - On Entity

    • Video 18 - Point - Perpendicular

    • Video 19 - Line - Enter_Sketch

    • Video 20 - Line - Continuous

    • Video 21 - Line - Tagent

    • Video 22 - Line - Parallel

    • Video 23 - Line - Angle

    • Video 24 - Arc - Center

    • Video 25 - Arc - 2 Entity Arc Functions

    • Video 26 - Arc - 3 Entity Arc Functions

    • Video 27 - Arc - Fit Arcs

    • Video 28 - Spline - Approximated, Interpolated, Fit, and Blended

    • Video 29 - Shapes - Rectangle

    • Video 30 - Shapes - Shape Library

    • Video 31 - Shapes - Ellipse and Spiral

    • Video 32 - Shapes - Gear, Sprocket, and Roller CAM

    • Video 33 - Pattern - Hole Pattern and Point Pattern

    • Video 34 - Corner - Fillet and Chamfer

    • Video 35 - Boolean - 2D Boolean

    • Video 36 - Text - Text

    • Video 37 - Text - Fit Text To a Curve

    • Video 38 - Utilities - Offset

    • Video 39 - Utilities - Extract Edges - Single and From Solid

    • Video 40 - Utilities - Project Curves

    • Video 41 - Section View

    • Video 42 - Utilities - Spun Profile

    • Video 43 - Utilities - Unwrap

    • Video 44 - Utilities - Contour

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    V32 CAD - Create 3D

    • Video 45 - The CAD Tree

    • Video 46 - CAD Tree Optimization and Delete History

    • Video 47 - Utilities - Continuous Sketch

    • Video 48 - Primitives - Cube

    • Video 49 - Primitives - Cylinder

    • Video 50 - Primitives - Sphere

    • Video 51 - Primitives - Cone

    • Video 52 - Primitives - Torus

    • Video 53 - Extrude - Extrude Boss

    • Video 54 - Extrude - Extrude Cut

    • Video 55 - Extrude - Extrude Curve and Surface

    • Video 56 - Extrude - Imprint

    • Video 57 - Solid Boolean - Add, Subtract, and Intersect

    • Video 58 - Surfaces - Planar

    • Video 59 - Surfaces - Rectangular Plane and Circular Plane

    • Video 60 - Surfaces - Revolve

    • Video 61 - Surfaces - Sweep

    • Video 62 - Surfaces - Cross Section

    • Video 63 - Surfaces - 3 Edges, 4 Edges, and Multisided Patch

    • Video 64 - Advanced Surfaces - Skin

    • Video 65 - Advanced Surfaces - Offset

    • Video 66 - Advanced Surfaces - Ruled

    • Video 67 - Advanced Surfaces - Swung

    • Video 68 - Corners - Solid Fillet and Chamfer

    • Video 69 - Corners - Surface Fillet

    • Video 70 - Modify - Stitching Options

    • Video 71 - Modify - Extend

    • Video 72 - Modify - Split

    • Video 73 - Modify - Shell

    • Video 74 - Modify - Untrim Surface

    • Video 75 - Modify - Break Surface

    • Video 76 - Modify - Intersection Curves

  • 5

    V32 CAD - Utilties Menu

    • Video 77 - Move - Translate

    • Video 78 - Move - Rotate

    • Video 79 - Move - Rotate 3D

    • Video 80 - Move - Mirror

    • Video 81 - Move - Scale

    • Video 82 - Trim Extend - Quick Trim

    • Video 83 - Trim Extend - Trim One and Two Entities

    • Video 84 - Trim Extend - Trim Screen, Trim Modal, and Trim Strings

    • Video 85 - Break - Break Many and Break Entity

    • Video 86 - Break - Break Screen, Break Divide, and Break Angle

    • Video 87 -Adjust - Stretch, Drag Corner, Deform, and Equalize

    • Video 88 - Reorganize - Cleanup Optimize

    • Video 89 - Reorganize - Explode

    • Video 90 - Reorganize - Erase Doubles

    • Video 91 - Reorganize - Make Arcs Tangential

    • Video 92 - Reverse - Reverse Surface Normal and Reverse Contour

  • 6

    V32 CAD - Dimensions and Measurements

    • Video 93 - Dimensions - Auto

    • Video 94 - Dimensions - Horizontal, Vertical, Other Distance, Radius, Angle and Point Dimensions

    • Video 95 - Dimensions - X-Ordinate, Y-Ordinate, Chain, and Reference

    • Video 96 - Annotation - Note and Cross Hatch

    • Video 97 - Modify Dimensions - Move, Align Horizontal, Align Vertical

    • Video 98 - Measure - Measure One and Two Entities

  • 7

    V32 CAD - Drawing Tutorials

    • Video 99 - Custom UCS

    • Video 100 - 2D Drawing Example 1

    • Video 101 - 2D Drawing Example 2

    • Video 102 - 2D Drawing Example 3

    • Video 103 - Profile Example 1

    • Video 104 - Profile Example 2

    • Video 105 - 3D Drawing Example 1

    • Video 106 - 3D Drawing Example 2

    • Video 107 - 3D Drawing Example 3

    • Video 108 - Import Repair Surfaces

  • 8

    V32 Lathe - CAM Setup

    • Video 109 CAM Tree Introduction

    • Video 110 Current Settings

    • Video 111 Save and Load Features

    • Video 112 Copy and Paste Features

    • Video 113 Post Yes No

    • Video 114 Blank Unblank Toolpath

    • Video 115 Cutting Conditions

    • Video 116 DMS Defaults

    • Video 117 Tool Library

    • Video 118 Tool Crib

    • Video 119 Tool Orientation

    • Video 120 Tool Holders

    • Video 121 Custom Tool and Holder

    • Video 122 Tool Page

    • Video 123 Thread Library

    • Video 124 Material Library

  • 9

    V32 Lathe - CAM Stock Wizard

    • Video 125 Assigning Workpiece Geometry

    • Video 126 Cylindrical Stock

    • Video 127 Revolved Stock

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    V32 Lathe - Common Job Settings

    • Video 128 Geometry Selection

    • Video 129 Machining Strategy

    • Video 130 Posting

    • Video 131 Lead In and Out

    • Video 132 Rapids

    • Video 133 Compensation

    • Video 134 Undercuts

    • Video 135 Constraints

    • Video 136 Extensions

  • 11

    V32 Lathe - OD and ID Turning

    • Video 137 Lathe End Face

    • Video 138 OD Turning

    • Video 139 ID Turning

    • Video 140 Patterns and Sorting

    • Video 141 Depth of Cut and Allowance

    • Video 142 Operation Stock Example

    • Video 143 Overlap and Corner Types

    • Video 144 Pattern Repeat

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    V32 Lathe - Grooving

    • Video 145 Turn Grooving

    • Video 146 Face Grooving

    • Video 147 Angled Grooving

    • Video 148 ID Groove

    • Video 149 Groove Patterns

    • Video 150 Groove Parameters Page

    • Video 151 Groove Finish Patterns and Parameters

  • 13

    V32 Lathe - Drilling and Tapping

    • Video 152 Center Drill

    • Video 153 Drill Hole

    • Video 154 Bore Hole

    • Video 155 Ream Hole

    • Video 156 Tap Hole

    • Video 157 Chamfer Drill

  • 14

    V32 Lathe - Threading

    • Video 159 ID Thread Example

    • Video 158 Threading

  • 15

    V32 Lathe - Cutoff and Stock Handling

    • Video 160 Cutoff

    • Video 161 Stock Handling

  • 16

    V32 Lathe - After Toolpath Creation Options

    • Video 162 CAM Tree Flyouts

    • Video 163 Job Templates

    • Video 164 Add Group

    • Video 165 Machining Order

    • Video 166 Backplot

    • Video 167 Simulation

    • Video 168 Verify Tool Assignment

    • Video 169 Posting G-Code

    • Video 170 NC Editor

    • Video 171 Backplot

    • Video 172 Setup Sheets

    • Video 173 RS-232 Communication

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    V32 Lathe - Machining Examples

    • Video 174 Machining Example 1A

    • Video 175 Machining Example 1B

    • Video 176 Machining Example 1C

    • Video 177 Machining Example 2A

    • Video 178 Machining Example 2B

    • Video 179 Machining Example 2C

    • Video 180 Machining Example 3A

    • Video 181 Machining Example 3B

    • Video 182 Machining Example 3C

    • Video 183 Machining Example 4A

    • Video 184 Machining Example 4B

    • Video 185 Machining Example 4C