BobCAM for Solidworks - Mill Fundamentals - Course 4
You will learn how to use BobCAM for Solidworks to create toolpaths to machine this part. Covers the main principal machining operations that are commonly used. Time: 65 Minutes
Stock Wizard and Machine Setup
3 Axis Standard Toolpaths
3 Axis Standard Simulation and Corrections
3 Axis Pro Toolpaths
3 Axis Pro Simulation and Corrections
Center Drill and Drill
Posting and Setup Sheets
Work Offset Patterns
Course 4 - CAM Spot Check
Here is a listing of the CAM topics covered in this course.
Z Level Roughing Toolpath
Z Level Finishing Toolpath
Planar Toolpath
Spot/Center Drilling
Drilling Toolpath
Meet the Teacher
Mike Dulski